
HKU on Coronavirus (Mar 5-11)


HKU in the news (Mar 5-11)

Mar 11 HKUMed develops rapid test for coronavirus with results within 2 hours and such test is now adopted by over 40 nations (link)

Mar 10 HKU microbiologist Professor Yuen kwok-yung suggests universities and secondary schools to resume classes if no new local cases of COVID-19 for 28 consecutive days (Professor Yuen Kwok-yun) (link)

Mar 9 HKU microbiologist Professor Yuen Kwok-yung says only 0.1% of people have antibodies towards the virus and only after 70% of all people have antibodies will the outbreak slow down (Professor Yuen Kwok-yun) (link)

Mar 8 HKU microbiologist Dr Ho Pak-leung believes that the meningitis case in Japan proves COVID-19 can attack organs other than the lungs in a similar fashion to SARS, increasing the challenge of treatment (Professor Ho Pak-leung) (link)

Mar 8 HKU microbiologist Professor Yuen Kwok-yung says the Coronavirus epidemic will not end this year and while mainland China’s situation is stabilizing, contagion has spread worldwide and now the concern is reversed importation (Professor Yuen Kwok-yun) (link)

Mar 7 HKU microbiologist Dr Ho Pak-leung comments the chance of dog-to-human transmission is “very small” (Professor Ho Pak-leung) (link)

Mar 6 HKU researchers put Covid-19 mortality rate at 1.4 per cent and warn that coronavirus epidemic is ‘much more severe and deadlier’ than the 2009 swine flu pandemic (link)

Mar 6 HKU analyses genetic map of the virus found in dog infected with COVID-19 (link)

Mar 6 HKU Med School of Public Health Professor Leo Poon thinks COVID-19 epidemic may not disappear in summer (Professor Leo Poon) (link)